0800 987 5661 | hello@headstart.events
0800 987 5661 | hello@headstart.events

Country Pursuits

Guaranteed to blow the cobwebs far, far away, this package invites guests to take part in a series of traditional, but not always typical, English country pursuits.

Activities in this package can include:


    • Archery
    • Clay pigeon shooting
    • Axe throwing
    • Falconry

Fancy something a little different? We also offer a selection of some more unusual British past times, such as duck herding and the always memorable welly wanging (which never fails to raise a smile).

Designed to motivate and enthuse, this is a tremendously enjoyable session in the fresh air that will bring out the best in everyone involved.

Who will prove Lord of the Manor and who will end up a country bumpkin?

Boosts & Benefits

Creates a shared experience

Feel good factor

Develops brand awareness

Reinforces creative thinking

Celebrates success

Our packages include: 
    • A selection of suitable activities, including all equipment – activity choices & event duration are subject to number of participants
    • 3m pop-up marquees at each activity area
    • Dedicated event manager and activity coordinator
    • Prizes awarded to the best overall team/participant
    • All crew & activity instructors
    • All pre event planning & preparation – paperwork used onsite to be branded with client logo
    • Transport/delivery/setup/return

There are also bespoke packages available & costs will be based upon a phone consultation. 

Contact us to find out how we can
build a unique event for you