0800 987 5661 | hello@headstart.events
0800 987 5661 | hello@headstart.events

Learning & Development Overview

’Our courses are fast paced, participative, fun and effective because of their engaging and practical nature. What’s more, research has proven that the learning is remembered and put into practice long after the training is over.’’

HeadStart Events are proud to offer personal, team and leadership development programmes, developed using the Vision profile system.

Vision programs have been transforming workplace performance globally for over 25 years. The workshops are designed to develop teams and leaders by enhancing emotional intelligence and team-working skills. At the heart lies the Vision personal profile with its colour model of behaviours. When used in an interactive and engaging programme, this memorable and easily accessible tool alters mind-sets, bringing the psychology of behaviour to life and giving delegates a deeper understanding of how to improve their own as well as their team’s performance.

What is it & who is it for?

Self-awareness is one of the keys to the successful development of every individual, and that’s exactly what Vision Cornerstone delivers. A more in depth understanding of self and others means that relationships at both work and home can become vehicles for, not barriers to, business and personal success.

Vision Cornerstone is for anyone who:

    • Has a belief that understanding the impact of their personal style will help their future growth
    • Wants to have effective relationships with all they have contact with
    • Hopes to realise success through building strong partnerships
    • Is striving to reduce conflict by improving communications

Cornerstone by Vision is the beginning of your self-awareness journey. A psychometric tool based on combining the psychology of Jung and Moulton-Marston, Vision Cornerstone is built to help people understand themselves & others, and value the differences in relationships that affect them in both personal and work life.
The Vision Cornerstone methodology uses a simple and memorable four colour model to help people understand their style, strengths and the value they bring to all relationships, particularly the team. It’s the unique mix of Assertive Red, Persuasive Yellow, Supportive Green and Confirming Blue that determines how and why people behave the way they do.

Where can it lead?

Everyone receives a unique and in-depth Personal Profile, which is the cornerstone to a host of different learning experiences – from coaching sessions, to e-learning and group workshops. Using their profiles as a launch pad, we work with your people, teams and leaders, tackling any challenges that are standing between them and peak performance. Such as; effective communication, management styles, sales performance and finding an environment that inspires them to do their best work.

The Vision Cornerstone Personal Profile helps with:

    • Uncovering strengths, weaknesses and value to the team
    • Demonstrating how you like to manage and be managed
    • Improving communication style
    • Increasing sales effectiveness
    • Creating your ideal working environment

Team & individual development workshops

Tailored programs designed around your team goals and objectives.

Personal Effectiveness
Discover individual strengths and challenges, explore communication preferences and understand individual & team behaviours.

Leading Change
Prepare leaders & teams for organisational change, learn how others react to change and how to keep them on track during change.

Outstanding Leadership
Understand management & leadership styles, exploring organisational impact as a leader and what does it mean to be a leader?

Team Effectiveness
Measure team and individual performance, understand team needs/strengths/challenges and explore team performance diagnostics

Contact us to find out how we can
build a unique event for you